Thursday, December 13, 2012

Grinch Week!

Yes, I am about a hundred years behind in my posting! Grinch Week was last week but I have not had the chance to post until now. Boy is life getting crazy!!! I was forced to call in sick for the first time on Monday (however, not without an unhealthy amount of guilt and stress from wondering how my kiddies were doing that day...) and then there were parent teacher interviews and an endless list of "to-dos" ...I thought Christmas time was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year? *Deep breaths* haha

ANYWAYS, despite the insanity of each day in the month of December, Grinch Week was a ton of fun! Here are a few of the activities we completed:
Of course we read Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas and during our literacy block, we worked on describing the Grinch's character. Because we have just begun descriptive writing with adjectives, this was a great way to reinforce that new concept:
(click the pic to download your free copy!)

Next up, we did a fun little craftivity (inspired by the amazing Cara over at The First Grade Parade) where the kiddies had to come up with a clever way to make the Grinch grin:
Some of the answers I got were *too funny*

"To make the Grinch grin I would tickle him in his furry armpit and feet" (HA!) & "To make the Grinch grin I would give him a pet dog."
"To make the Grinch grin I would kiss him. He would smile all day" & "To make the Grinch grin I would draw him an in-line picture" (I asked what an "in-line picture" was and I got this response: "I would colour him a picture and stay all inside the lines so it was nice and neat. He would think it was beautiful." so precious!!!)
And as if those ones weren't cute enough, I got this one:
"To make the grinch grin I would cut his fur. That would be so he won't have to shave" hahaha

To celebrate the end of our Grinchy mini-unit on Friday, we got to watch the movie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas:
...and because there is never any "pointless fun" in my classroom (hehe) I took it as a great opportunity to cross off some media studies by completing a book/movie comparison! We first discussed what was similar and what was different between the book and the movie, and then the kiddies completed this worksheet:
(click the pic to download your free copy, along with another descriptive writing freebie!)

This was actually a great book/movie for this media activity because the two were so similar with obvious differences which made it better-geared toward my firsties. 
Finally, I sent my kiddies away at the end of the week with a little treat:
"When the Grinch discovered there was no way to keep Christmas from coming on Christmas day, he devised a new plan...though not quite as mean, he licked all the candy canes 'til he turned them all GREEN!" ...Thanks again, Cara!!!

They just thought that was the greatest thing in the world.
Well, I may as well say "enjoy your weekend" since tomorrow is FRIDAY! I will be back soon to post about this week's Gingerbread fun! :)


  1. So sweet I loved it! Keep working on the Grinch so he will be happy instead of sad and mad.


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