Friday, March 01, 2013

A Very Late Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!!! 
...Okay, so I'm a tad late. But, as they say, better late than never! So here's a quick look into our little Valentine's Day fiesta:

Our theme for the morning was "love bugs," so first we whipped up these adorable little love bug bags for all of our valentines:
I filled my kiddies' bags with gum-balls and these homemade tags:
(To download your FREE editable copy of the tags click the pic above or HERE)

Then we made cute love bug headbands, complete with antennae, out of bristol board, construction paper, and pipe cleaners. My little love bugs looked so adorable and of course I forgot to take a picture of them :( BUT we did hold a photo shoot for another reason:
Haha I love all of these pictures, they turned out so awesome! I made the moustache out of cardboard, construction paper, and a popsicle stick. Each of my kiddos took turns rockin' a stache for Babbling Abby's adorable valentine's card:

Finally, after a long day stuffed with loads of pink and red fun, I went home and stuffed myself with loads of chocolate, candy, and kind words from my thoughtful love bugs...
...Oh boy, the diet starts tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the moustache v-day cards! hilarious! I sort of wish I was teaching primary now... Can't do that in a high school economics class.


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