Monday, September 02, 2013


I'm super excited to be linking up with Farley for her infamous Currently...September issue!
Here's mine:

Listening- I don't know why but I *have* to run the dishwasher at night...running it in the morning is just throwing me right off!

Loving- HUGE shout out to Kassie for her brilliant design!!! Some of you may have noticed that I already had a makeover about a month ago, and although I liked it, it just wasn't me. So this time, I followed my instincts and went with bright, bold, and colorful....that's more like it! Kassie was *so* fabulous to work with; I started off not having a clue of what I wanted but grew more and more particular as we went along. Kassie was super patient and so quick to constantly send me visual updates of what was going on with my little blog. It made the process so smooth, and I cannot believe how fast she got it all done (despite working on several other blogs at the same time!). Thanks, Kassie!!!

Thinking- I've just begun reading The Happiness Project and am inspired by her first challenge (I won't say much more in case some of you want to read it!). Since then, I've been dying to clean out one black-hole of a closet and my "craft room" (that is currently more full of things that just don't have a place rather than craft supplies). I'm not done it yet, but I already recommend you read this:

Wanting- I just woke up and every morning I have my ginormous mug of green tea...I went straight to my blog today so I'm craving my daily dose!

Needing- almost every morning now I wake up with lower back pain. Stupid mattress.

My three goals for September:
1. Fall is my absolute *favourite* season. I love watching the leaves change, getting to whip out my fall wardrobe, the crisp air, the smell of my pumpkin my goal is to go for a walk EVERY day. It doesn't have to be a long walk, but it will be enough to "make my heart happy," as Farley says ...Plus my puppy will thank me, too!
2. I'm always grumpy when I get home, have to make dinner, but don't know what to make. This month, I'm going to make my life easier and plan (and prep, if possible) our week's meals ahead of time. Just thinking about it makes me happy.
3. Getting back into school routine always stresses me right out. There are so many unanswered questions and it takes next to noting to overwhelm me and make me panic. In September, I'm not going to sweat the small stuff and not think 5 days ahead. And if that doesn't work: red wine and a bubble bath should do the trick! 

Okay, your turn! Head on over to Oh'Boy 4th Grade to share your Currently!


  1. I am anxiously awaiting completion of a new blog design. Yours looks great. One of my goals is better meal prep, too! Cause when you wait til the last minute ... well. I make really poor choices, anyway.

    Have a fabulous September! I am the school teacher librarian so I see everyone. Little firsties are fun. Not quite as squirrelly as PreK/K but still little. Last week we read Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great and talked about not judging new friends by the outside. Still need to decide what we'll read next time!

  2. I need to plan my dinner meals too! I hate coming home and having to decide what I am making (which is usually what the kids want!) Good luck on your goals! *I'm your newest follower!

    tattling to the teacher

  3. I am going to have to check out The Happiness Project! Sounds totally like something I would love.
    Your blog is cute. Love the colors. ;-)
    I couldn't find where you live. We do not have fall. I love the changing of the colors and the crispness of the season. We don't have that here. :-(

  4. OHMYSTARZ is your blog cute!!!! Just happy, happy, happy!

    Thrilled to be your newest follower and see what shenanigans you are up to! LOVE those dew drop letters, girl!

    Smiles - Lisa
    Growing Firsties

  5. I just got into blogging this summer and having someone create my very own blog design is one of my goals this Fall! I'm the exact opposite when it comes to the dishwasher and laundry. I have to run it during the day so I can sleep at night! Haha!

    Tacky the Teacher

  6. I have the same goal of stressing less. It's overwhelming to look at the year ahead, so you are right to take things one day at a time. I am sure the walks will help you relax.

    Also, I love your blog design. I'm glad I found you through the currently. I am a new follower.

    Compassionate Teacher

  7. Oh how I would love to plan our meals early! So glad I stooped by. I love your blog! :)
    The Teaching Twosome

  8. I read The Happiness Project and did a lot of her goals as well. It's a great book to read no matter what state of happiness you're in!

  9. I hate to cook after coming home from a long day at school as well! Making a weekly menu has been on the back burner for me for a while now. Maybe soon I'll finally find the time to do it :)

  10. OH my gosh, I absolutely HAVE to run my dishwasher at night, when I'm as far away from the kitchen as possible!!! I can not stand noise and it drives me bonkers!!!


Thanks so much for your comment! It's great hearing from you and I hope you will visit again :)