Today I'm joining in once again with Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five For Friday linky party :)
My week started off FANTASTICALLY when I opened the weekly TpT newsletter and saw this:
Needless to say I was *pumped* to see my most popular freebie featured in the newsletter for the first time! Here's a sample of the super simple but skill-packed math craftivity:
If you don't already own it, go download my Name in a Ten Frame freebie, and don't forget to check out the newsletter to grab 9 other awesome freebies as well!!
We are quickly outgrowing our little house and are most likely making the move to a bigger space later this summer! ...A bigger house, but a much smaller backyard. Which means I have recently been obsessed with pinning ideas of how to create a cute little backyard oasis:
(You can check out more of my outdoor pins on my "Going Green" board!)
So far these have been some of my fav ideas:

(all of the pics above + their sources can be found on my board)
We are still waiting for the arrival of baby and I've been off work for over a week now...bored. out of. my mind. Seriously, where is this desperate "nesting instinct" they talk about?!
Well anyways, being home has actually made me quite productive work-wise and I was finally able to put my Healthy Eating Unit together as a resource to share with others in my little store!
These are all of the activities that I have used in the past when teaching all about nutrition and food groups, along with some newly-added posters, worksheets, and more!
I just uploaded it last week and already I'm pleasantly surprised with how many teachers are finding it helpful! Here's a closer look at everything in the pack if you're curious :)
(And if you're interested in reading a detailed description of everything included, click HERE)
So, like I said, I've only been off work for a few days and already I'm missing my little firsties. It's seriously crazy how one day I was looking forward to being off and finally taking some time to relax, and the next I'm just dying to get back to my classroom! I'm so grateful for all this love:
And finally, since I am no longer spending my days in a classroom, I thought I'd share a little tour of where my recent days have been spent: in the teeny tiny nursery!
And if it wasn't yet obvious that this nursery was decorated by a first grade teacher....
I'm not kidding, deciding which books to display first on these shelves actually took longer than the time it took to put together the rest of the room! I have WAY too many to choose from, but these will do for now. Seriously though, what teacher is not obsessed with children's books?!
And that's that! Thanks for stopping by and reading my very random 5!
If you'd like to join in on the Friday fun, head on over to DBT to link up and have a wonderful weekend :)