Sunday, November 11, 2012

Behaviour Management Freebie

Just a quick little post because I have been asked about what I do for behaviour management. Aside from my individual behaviour management clip chart to encourage self-management, I also use a group points system. Displayed at the front of my class, I have a little board where each table group has a ziplock baggie assigned to their group number. I use two sided math counters as my point tokens. At any time during the day I can award or take away a group's token based on behaviour. 
The great thing about groups points is that it takes a group effort (teamwork and collaboration) to earn or lose a point. The whole group must be working extra hard, or doing something kind, etc., to earn a point. 

I also use my group points as incentive to get to class on time. I have a SMARTboard timer that I set on a countdown from 6 minutes and 30 seconds the moment the bell rings (morning bell or recess bell). In order to earn a "freebie point," the entire group must be sitting at their desk reading a book by the time the timer buzzes at 0. This means that the kiddies have to get undressed, change shoes, use the washroom, get a drink, etc. QUICKLY without wasting time talking (*arguing*) with peers, or simply fooling around in the hallways for some. I may have to increase the time slightly as the weather gets colder and the layers get thicker but it certainly minimizes a lot of wasted learning time! 

ANYWAYS, at the end of the week, the group with the most points gets a certificate indicating their "prize". I am a big believer in non-traditional rewards, and the kids actually really enjoy the awards such as getting to bring in a show and tell item, getting to wear a crown for a day, etc.
You can download the FREE certificates and 2 pages of prizes by clicking the ABOVE PICS or HERE. I just cut out the sheet of prizes and keep them in a container. When it comes time to award the winning group their prize, I just pick one of the folded papers and read them their prize. The paper goes back in the container for next week's top group to potentially win, and the certificate goes home with each of the winning group members. Quick, easy, and fun- that's why I love it!

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