Thursday, November 15, 2012

Vowel Sounds

Hi everyone, hope your week is going's almost FRIDAY!!! Just a quick update to let you know that I have posted a NEW product in my beloved TpT store ;)

All this and last week my kiddies have been learning about long and short vowel sounds during literacy centres. To start bringing all those sounds together, I spent my night making two posters to hang in my room for fast and easy reference throughout the year:

I have also included a centre activity to this package that includes variations of a sorting activity in order to allow for easy differentiation:
Those are two examples of the different sorting "mats" available: the first mat is meant to sort long and short vowel sounds in general, and the second "mat" is the more challenging option that requires students to sort not only the long and short sounds, but also the independent vowel sounds within those two main categories. 

Also included in this package are the pictures and words (not pictured) for sorting, as well as extension worksheets (1 of 3 pictured below):
Above is one example of pictures to sort. You can choose to have students sort vowel sounds using just pictures (have students say each picture word out loud to add some oral practice!), they can sort just words, or you can challenge students by having them sort both pictures and words together.

You can pick up my new Vowel Sounds Poster and Activity Package by clicking on any of the pics above or right HERE

That's it for now. I'll be back (hopefully tomorrow night!) with an update of some of our week's activities! Brace yourself for a very cheesy "long vowels" sign-off: 
SlEEp tIght!

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